The price of gold will rise fast and to great heights after the poor value of it, only six years ago the price was $300 due to deflation and destruction of the dollar.
$3,000 an ounce will be easily reached and even surpassed very soon.
We are about to show you how to get in on this.
According to reputable sources inflation is inevitable. A rebounding economy is the most likely moment for this to occur Central banks and the IMF have injected billions of extra dollars and Euros in the financial system to fortify the currency and keep the banks in business. This kind of behaviour has throughout history inevitably lead to inflation. The only way to protect yourself and your assets is to place them where they are safe from the fluctuations of the dollar, the ups and downs of stock and the whims of the banks. By purchasing gold you make sure to do so. As we have pointed out, gold is a very stable currency because it has a finite resource Unlike cash, a government agency cannot merely decide to create more gold. Therefor, throughout centuries, gold has turned out to be a sign of wealth.
But in order to invest in gold we would like to know what is the easiest and more important, the safest way to do so. And for the lowest price?
Suitable options differ for different people and there are different methods and ways. The individual investor profits by the 4 options we point out below.
Buying physical gold.
The most secure and certain method, is to have the physical gold in your possession. However, security could cause problems in terms of security. You may decide to keep the gold or coins in a bank, but there is always a rent or fees involved. High fees of the seller could cause another problem. Particularly buying coins might cause sellers to charge too much which will cut into your profit dramatically. Gold bars are usually far too costly for individuals. As an alternative sometimes silver coins are bought, but they do not retain the same value as gold.
The spot price is usually the price used to purchase gold, this is the price you can find in the newspapers. The difference between buying and selling, if you are able to negotiate the spot price is small.
Converting your cash or wealth into physical gold is on the whole still a very save investment, despite having to pay some kind of fees. This is provided, of course, that you are 100% certain that what you are purchasing is high quality gold and that you are the direct purchaser, and there is no other party involved. The problems of security and storage remain the only disadvantages of this method.
Buying gold through a goldmine
If you want to buy gold you can also choose to do so via investments in goldmines. This method has a somewhat larger risk factor, but can also give you potentially greater profits. This is because the companies themselves sometimes have large profits but also losses. Click here for more info on how to purchase gold through goldmines.
Purchasing gold through a trust fund.
etf‘s (Exchange Trade funds) can be used to buy all kinds of raw materials, such as gold. Using this method you don’t actually possess the physical gold. A fund owns gold and you buy a share with them. The biggest bank doing this is the HSBC in London. Soon after the stockmarket opens shares can be traded.
These funds often charge 0.4% per year to safe and insure the gold. Covering these costs mean a devaluation of the ETF’s. ETF’s hardly ever own physical gold. Paper contracts in goldhare bought and sold by them. Which means again that, same as in other stocks, similar problems occur. Buying “fools gold” is what it could turn out to be when you believe to have invested in something solid when the company goes bankrupt.
The Best and Safest Way is to Buy Gold as a Professional.
If you can buy gold professionally and get the “spot price” then you will have the most direct access to a currency that will never deflate, but only increase in value. The quality of the gold has to be high and you want to be sure that you verify the value of the gold. You can find all the details of how to do this in the “Buy Gold Safely” guide
The following can be found in this guide.
The advantages of gold investing, including the opportunity to keep your investments totally secure, even in tough times. Once you get it you’ll want to share this with others so they can avoid the same fate.
Discover what your advisor is holding back from you about gold investing and why they have no interest in telling you.
Discover the type of gold investments they hope you don’t discover because it will cost
Some gold dealers are flat out lying about the confiscation laws to scare you, and line their pockets and the guide will give you proof of this. Use this advice to return the investment on this very digital report!
How to buy and sell gold safely (no other guide tells you this) you will be able to extract maximum security and profit for your family easily, and until this report came out. No one else was doing this.
Plus much, much more in this complete gold-investing resource. Read More
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